Watch a necessity?

Watch is actually a timepiece which allows us to be updated with the time. The first model of watch used to work with the sun. The time was measured according to the movement of sun. Later it was developed in a better way and this invention remained in move. As a result millions of models or variety of watches are present in today’s market.

With most of us using smartphones these days, you might think wrist watches or clocks are a little old fashioned, since checking your phone every 2 seconds makes you aware of the time anyway. But, there’s still a certain classiness to wearing a watch. If we look at the recent trend of ‘smartwatches’ they made it look like a wrist watch. It’s because a wrist watch is one of the classiest accessories you can own and has been for centuries.

I remember very well the times when I was small and used to get a sense of amazement when I looked at my parents, teachers and other grown ups looking at their watches. Since, those times only I’ve been filled with excitement with regards to wrist watches. This was the first ‘real connection’ that bridged the generation gap since mobile phones are a new deal even for the grown ups

To sum up, a wrist watch and a watch importance in modern life is to affirm your style in respect of your age, your social level and hence makes it an indispensable part of my life. 
