
Showing posts from November, 2017

Renaissance - A Period I would like to time travel to!?

If i could go back in time to wherever i wished, I'd would like to go back to the  period of Renaissance(or the High Renaissance to be precise,from 1475 to 1525) and live in Florence,Italy. Seldom has there been such a period in world history which impacted science,religion,art all at once.The burst of creativity and inquisitive spirit in this period is unparalleled.The works and achievements of this period are venerated to this day. The spirit of curiosity in the men of renaissance and the energy of the time which resulted in numerous masterpieces would be a delight for anyone. There are many highly interesting periods of history to learn about, but one of the most fascinating is that which covers the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in Italy.  The level of artistic and architectural production during this time is astounding, so much so that centuries later works produced during the Renaissance continue to capture the public’s imagination . Who wouldn't like to liv

Autonomous Vehicle- A Fascinating Technology!

The rise of the automobile transformed modern society. It changed where we live, what we buy, how we work, and who we call friends. As cars and trucks became commonplace, they created whole classes of jobs and made other professions obsolete. We are now on the cusp of an equally transformative technological shift in transportation: from vehicles driven by humans to vehicles that drive themselves. The long-term impact of autonomous vehicles on society is hard to predict, but also hard to overstate. The only certainty is that wherever this technology becomes ubiquitous, life will be different. Google and other companies have been testing self-driving cars for several years now, with good success . ‘ These autonomous vehicles process vast amounts of sensory data from on-board radars, cameras, GPS, and stored maps to navigate routes through ever more complex and rapidly changing traffic situations without any human involvement. Consumer use of vehicles with autonomous capab